Welcome to the InsightVision Video Tutorial Library. Click on a video or the play button to start the video. You can maximize the video using the icon in the bottom right corner for easier viewing.

Introduction to InsightVision

Scorecard description, homepage overview, featured measures and initiatives, scoreboard overview and details.

Additional Information Screens

Objective presentation, measure at a glance, initiative presentation.

Customizing Your Homepage

Homepage overview, add featured measures, line view, add featured initiatives, customizing your homepage.

Adding Actual Values

Adding measure data, defining data defaults, adding data values, viewing entered data, using edit mode.

Prefixes and Scorecards

This video introduces the concept of creating Prefixes and Scorecards in the application and the properties of those items. It is the first video in a two part series on how to create a data Scorecard.

Objectives and Measures

This video introduces the concept of creating Objectives and Measures in the application and the properties of those items. It is the second video in a two part series on how to create a data Scorecard. This video also contains detailed information about Measure properties.

Managing Users

Create a new user, security roles overview, scorecard access for users, remove a user.

Documents and Images

Upload and link documents using the InsightVision file manager. Covers how to link documents and images to Objectives and Measures.

Strategy Maps

Download the Visio add-in, create, and format dynamic Strategy Maps to be used in the InsightVision Strategy Map module.